
15th International Science of Aphasia Conference, September 2014


  • Redactie SSTP Centre for Language and Cognition (CLCG), Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen


We are very pleased to welcome you to the 15th Science of Aphasia conference, being held from September 19 till September 24, 2015 in the San Camillo Hospital in Venice, Italy. The 2014 program theme is:  Aphasiology: past, present and future.

Invited speakers are: Ria De Bleser, Audrey Bowen, Marco Catani, Chris Code, Olga Dragoy, Hugues Duffau, David Howard, Peter Mariën, Gabriele Miceli, Carlo Miniussi, Lyndsey Nickels, Carlo Semenza, Cynthia K. Thompson, Evy Visch-Brink, Frank Zanow.

The SoA conferences are intended to bring together senior and junior scientists working in the multidisciplinary field Neurocognition of language and to deal with normal function as well as disorders. The size of the conference has a maximum of about 150 participants to ensure direct interaction between the participants. The focus of this year’s conference is on the past, present and future of Aphasiology.

