
Spraakverstaan, taalvaardigheid en verbaal werkgeheugen bij kinderen met CI


  • Margreet Langereis Pento Audiologisch Centrum, Utrecht
  • Wouter Rijke Radboudumc, Health Technology Assessment, Nijmegen
  • Anneke Vermeulen Koninklijke Kentalis, Diagnostisch Centrum, St Michielsgestel



This manuscript is written as a supplement on the occasion of the NVSST symposium
‘to hear or not to hear’, 1March 2019.
With a cochlear implant (CI), the speech perception abilities in quiet of severely hearingimpaired
and deaf children have considerably improved. In unfavorable listening situations,
the hearing abilities remain still limited.
In principle, the auditory perception with CI offers sufficient conditions for the acquisition
of an age-appropriate word comprehension. However, problems are still described
in the area of more complex language skills such as morpho-syntax, narrative
skills and verbal reasoning.
A plausible explanation, apart from impaired speech perception, is found in weaker
and unstable phonological representations. This affects the storage component (phonological
loop) of the working memory. As a result, the capacity and effectiveness of the
working memory decreases.

