
Ontstaan en ontwikkeling van stotteren: voorstel praktijkmodel


  • Leonoor Oonk StotterFonds, Nijkerk
  • Marie-Christine Franken Erasmus MC, Afdeling KNO, Gehoor- en Spraakcentrum, Rotterdam
  • Luc De Nil Department of Speech-Language Pathology, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Jan Bouwen Erasmus MC, Afdeling KNO, Gehoor- en Spraakcentrum, Rotterdam
  • Anja van der Vlist StotterFonds, Nijkerk
  • Bert J.E.G. Bast StotterFonds, Nijkerk



We present in this paper a new model that may serve as explanatory model for use in clinical practice. The purpose is to visualize the development of stuttering, and its associated processes, for people who stutter as well as parents of young children.

Also, an exemplifying casus may illustrate the development of stuttering in the ‘lifeline’. This lifeline demonstrates the extent to which developmental processes, together with more or less coincidental circumstances, may influence the development of stuttering. The ‘clinical model’ is based on current scientific insights and informs about the onset and development of stuttering, as well as the various factors that may affect this process. This model shows two possible developmental trajectories following the onset of stuttering: recovery and development of persistent stuttering, respectively. Various factors that may affect these trajectories are shown. The results of these developmental trajectories, both in terms of the severity and the individual experience of stuttering, can differ between persons who stutter as well as within a given individual over time. The presented lifeline and clinical model can be helpful to provide background information
about and insight into stuttering. They also can serve to initiate a conversation about treatment objectives and the client’s personal therapy goals.

The model presented in this paper is intended as a first general framework that can be revised based on future scientific insights, clinical experiences and input from users.

