
Reintegrating aphasics into employment. Chances – Limitations – Resources


  • Martina Hielscher-Fastabend University of Bielefeld, Germany
  • Kerstin Richter University of Bielefeld, Germany


Aphasia therapy should not be limited to linguistic and communicative capacities in the social context; therapeutic offers for younger patients should focus on language and communicative job demands to enhance their chance for occupational reintegration after stroke. This article gives some data on long-term reintegration of young aphasic patients having been treated in a rehabilitation center near Bielefeld and it stresses the relevance and necessity of rehabilitation programs beside stepwise reintegration. Only 64% of 25 patients being recommended for stepwise occupational reintegration by an expert team following very sharp criteria for residual symptoms were successful in their former job. Job-oriented therapy and training before reintegration into employment may give additional support for a successful reintegration, but individual therapeutic coaching on the job and the use of modern technology and resources may help patients with even moderate aphasic symptoms in their occupational environment. Two case studies lend support for such a problem-oriented therapeutic coaching approach and illustrate successful strategies for the reintegration process.




